Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Kathi Poirier

 JOB TITLE: Teacher

"If you let fear decide what you are going to do in life, you aren't going to do a heck of a lot.". Words than ring true when about to jump off an 800 foot tower... Or throw your hat in the ring for the position of D26 District Officer.
My name is Kathi Poirier, and I have been a TBU member of OSSTF D26 for longer than I would care to admit. (24 years) In that time I have been a long time branch CBC rep., past CBC chair, District Vice President, member of local CPAC, EARAO and Ed Services committees and a Provincial EQUIP: Equity in Action Presenter. I was privileged to be a part of the most recent TBU brief writing team and Negotiating Table Team member. Wanting to know more about the bigger local unionist picture and be a part of local events, I also joined the Cornwall and District Labour Council.
I love and take pride in what I do everyday at North Dundas for my students. Every year I am presented with teaching challenges and make sure to try to be the best educator that I can: learning, changing, growing. As a union member I try to do my best and be my best for my co-workers of every job class as well.
Now a possible challenge that I had not before considered: being a support, resource and champion for OSSTF District 26 members as District Release Officer. Every day working for and with my educational peers to help them continue to live and love their work to the best of their abilities. The challenge is new, the unknown slightly unnerving.... But you won't do a heck of a lot of you don't try....