Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Occasional Teacher PD Fund

The intent is to support any Occasional Teacher (Daily Casual and Long Term) in accessing Professional Development, which will improve the delivery of educational programs and services to Secondary school students.

Terms of Reference

1.  Approval of funding support using the correct Application Form is required to guarantee financial support from the SOPDF. Non pre-approved applications will be dated upon receipt at the District Office and forwarded for review. Financial support of eligible applications shall be approved provided unallocated funds remain in the SOPDF for the semester in which the activities occurred. Should such funds no longer remain, the application may be considered in June for any surplus funds.

All applications must be received no later than June 1st of the current school year

2.  After completing the correct application form, a copy should be emailed to office@d26.osstf.ca with any necessary attachments.

3.  Approval and funding notification will be sent to you by email.

4.  The fund will cover the following expenses:
  • Conference/workshops for the current school year (July 1- June 30): registration, accommodations, meals (up to $40) and travel ($0.66 per km), child/dependent care (up to $25/day), OT costs up to a total of $300.00 (all expenses combined). Original receipts are required in all cases except mileage.

  • Job Shadowing/ In-Service for the current school year (July 1- June 30): Travel, meals (up to $40) and travel ($0.66 per km), up to a total of $300 (all expenses combined). Original receipts are required in all cases except mileage.

  • Upgrade Courses for the current school year (July 1- June 30): Course registration, travel ($0.66 per km), textbooks, up to a total of $300 (all expenses combined). Original receipts are required in all cases except mileage.

5. Submit the Secondary Occasional Professional Development Expense Claim Form with original receipts to: 
  • BY BOARD COURIER to: SOPDF Committee, OSSTF Office, Kemptville;  or
  • BY MAIL to OSSTF District 26, PO Box 1081,  Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0

In order for your school to be reimbursed by SOPD for a portion of the OT costs the school/office administrator must complete and submit a Principal’s Occasional Teacher Notification and Claim Form through the Board Courier system in envelopes addressed as stated above.

6. Teachers may ONLY access ONE of the fund categories during the school year. Please recognize that applications for summer conferences/workshops must be received no later than June 1st for consideration

7. If you have been asked to present at a conference or workshop, the SOPD fund expects that the organizing body for that event will pay your expenses.

8. A reminder that applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Related Attachments