Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Displacement Process


1.  What are the General Objectives of the Displacement Process?
  • The Process is aimed to maximize the number of sections a SLOA teacher can attain (up to the extent of their entitlement);
  • A displacement can occur if the SLOA teacher stands to gain sections compared to their current assignment;
  • A teacher who is being displaced must be fully displaced up to the extent of their active entitlement;

Example:  Assume a 1.0 FTE teacher named Fred is staffed 3 sections in semester A and SLOA for 3 sections.  Fred…

  • can displace positions of teachers assigned 4, 5, or 6 sections over semesters A, B.  Fred gives up original 3 sections in semester A to take these 4, 5, or 6 sections
  • can displace positions of teachers assigned 1, 2, or 3 sections in semester B.  Fred gains 1, 2, or 3 sections – Fred is now staffed 4, 5, or 6 sections respectively.
  • cannot displace a position of 1, 2, or 3 sections in semester A, as Fred is not gaining sections compared to current assignment.

2.  Is there a guarantee that there exists a least senior teacher which I am able to displace ("bump")?  
NO.  This depends on factors such as your placement on the seniority list, qualifications, deemed qualifications, and entitlement that both you and less senior teachers have.

3.  If I am able to displace ("bump") the least senior teacher(s), is their a guarantee that this position is to the extent of what I am surplus or to the extent of my entitlement?
NO.  You must fully displace the teacher(s).  If you have a 1.0 FTE entitlement, the least senior teacher(s) holding the largest FTE position which you can fully displace may have less than a 1.0 FTE assignment. However, suppose you have a 1.0 FTE entitlement and you are only surplus for 0.50 FTE.  The least senior teacher which you can fully displace may have more than a 0.50 FTE assignment (greater than the amount you are surplus).  In fact, the least senior teacher may be 1.0 FTE - you would only be able to bump them for 1.0 even if you are only redundant for 0.50.  In this case, you would be fully placed in the position at the school which you "bumped" into. 

4.  If I am able to displace ("bump") the least senior teacher, is their a guarantee that it is in a school closest to my current school? 
NO.  You will be given a maximum of 4 possibilities to "bump" (schools within 35 km, schools between 36-70 km, schools between 71-100 km, and schools beyond 100 km).  The greatest entitlement of the least senior teacher in the school closest to you may not be to the extent of your entitlement or to the extent that you are surplus.  It all depends on those teachers below you on the seniority list, what they are staffed in, their entitlement and location, and your entitlement.

5.  During the Displacement Meetings, I receive a call from the Board offering me opportunities to displace teachers.  What are my options?
You can accept any one of the positions offered.  If the position is up to the extent of your entitlement, you will be removed from the SLOA list.  If the position is not up to the extent of your entitlement, you may still take the position and remain on the SLOA List for the remainder of your entitlement.
You can refuse all the positions.  This does not "count against you" in any way! You will not be given another opportunity to displace - you are no longer involved in the Displacement Process. Your name will remain on the SLOA List.

6.  I am a teacher who has just been displaced by a more senior teacher.  What happens to me?  
You are now placed on the SLOA list up to the extent of your entitlement.  You will now have the right to displace as per the process outlined above.

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