Background Information
District 26 is comprised of three Bargaining Units: Teacher Bargaining Unit (TBU), Occasional Teacher Bargaining Unit (OTBU), and the Professional Student Services Personnel Bargaining Unit (PSSP). Each unit has a constitution and elected officers. The constitution is articles and by-laws that govern the Bargaining Unit. The Bargaining Unit Officers are, for example, the President, Vice-President, Grievance Officer, Treasurer, Chief Negotiator etc.
The District itself has a constitution and elected officers. Such elected officers are the District President, District Officer, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Committee Officers (CPAC, Ed Services, Committee for Equity and Diversity).
All members of OSSTF District 26 are invited to, and are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting is a wonderful opportunity for members to meet and socialize with other members from our Board, be informed about the business of the Bargaining Units and District, and exercise their democratic right to vote on motions that govern and give direction to the Bargaining Units and District.
District 26 Annual General Meeting 2025
The 2025 District 26 Annual General Meeting will be an in-person event held at the North Grenville Municipal Centre, Kemptville, ON
May 8, 2025 starting at 3:30 pm
Bargaining Unit Annual General Meeting 2025
The TBU, OTBU and PSSP Annual General Meetings will be on a separate afternoon/evening than the District AGM. These AGMs constitutionally must take place before the District AGM.
OTBU and PSSP Dates, Times and Locations to be determined.
TBU AGM - Wednesday, April 30th, 2025
Zoom Meeting
Format of the AGM Meetings
In each of these meetings, motions to amend the governing constitution can be made. As well, each elected officer reports the affairs of the Bargaining Unit during the current school year. Questions may be asked of the elected officers.
Reports will be available approximately 1 week prior to the Annual General Meeting
All members wishing to put forth a motion or constitutional change for the District AGM should email Pamela Linklater, District President, no later than May 1, 2025, to be considered an on-time motion. All members wishing to put forth a motion or constitutional change for one of the Bargaining Unit AGMs should email the appropriate Bargaining Unit President at least one week prior to the AGM.
Recognizing Members and Awards
Throughout the evening presentation of various awards, plaques, or distinctions are given to members who have made significant contributions in various areas. Any member of OSSTF District 26 can be nominated for these local and provincial awards or plaques, as described below.
To nominate a colleague for any of the awards, plaques or distinctions, please with the name and the award/plaque/distinction the member is to be considered. Also provide your rationale/reference as to why this member is deserving of the award/plaque/distinction. Nominations close on April 1.
The TBU Branch Representative Award was first awarded at the 2000 AGM, to recognize outstanding performance by our on-site Federation representatives and stewards. They are the shock troops and the triage of the Federation, dealing with questions and crises, sometimes outrageous amounts of paperwork, and communication and recruitment: all of this while still doing their normal workload with students. This is awarded to one of our serving Stewards or Area Representatives who reflect the following criteria: demonstrates a personal commitment to education, represents members effectively, informs members effectively of local, district and provincial business, and is proactive in defending the interests of the membership.
The Gordie Award is presented annually in memory of Gord Higgins and Gord Mallette. Both of these members were long serving federation activists in the old District 21, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Board. Gord Higgins was the first president of the new District 21 in 1968 and a Chief Negotiator. Gord Mallette is remembered as an indomitable Chief Negotiator, who passed away while on Federation business. This award is presented to a member for their outstanding contribution to the District.
The Marjorie Laphen Award is presented annually in memory of Marjorie Laphen, a history teacher at Smith Falls District Collegiate Institute. Her husband was a Federation and community activist. They were both active in the community, trying to provide a sound foundation for youth through church and other social organizations. Her husband instituted this award to honour her memory, but it is also a tribute to them both. This award is presented to a member for their invaluable contribution to the teaching profession and outstanding service to the community.
The Rhonda Kimberley-Young Award is presented annually in recognition of a District 26 member’s contributions and accomplishments. Rhonda Kimberley-Young was an active federation member in the old Lanark District 42, in Upper Canada District 26 and at a Provincial level. Her many achievements include serving as CBC Chief Negotiator, District Officer, Provincial Executive Officer, Vice President and President of OSSTF. Rhonda’s primary focus has always been to maintain and to improve the delivery and quality of education within the District and the Province. An advocate for all education workers, Rhonda has led initiatives to improve their working conditions. She has left an indelible mark on the Federation. This award is presented to a member who has demonstrated the qualities of fairness and enthusiasm in local federation leadership. He/she has been a motivator of other federation members and has applied the highest level of ethics to all their initiatives.
The District 26 New Member Award is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting to a new member of District 26 (0-5 years) in recognition of their service to OSSTF.
A Volunteer Recognition Plaque recognizes a member who has, during the span of their teaching/working career, volunteered their time to OSSTF and to the service of members, by being active on branch executives, local executives and/or local OSSTF Committees.
OSSTF District 26 Inclusive Educator Award is presented annually to an OSSTF member who has made significant contributions to making Upper Canada schools an inclusive environment.
The Unsung Hero of Upper Canada Award recognizes members that positively contribute to their schools in various ways throughout the school year. Members who demonstrate educational leadership and initiative, inspire others, demonstrate innovation, have a positive outlook, are good listeners with whom colleagues can talk or vent, have a terrific rapport with students and/or colleagues, are helpful by providing direction, information, skills and/or resources, volunteer and/or commit random acts of kindness may be nominated for this award.
The Kris Ross Award is presented annually in memory of Kristianne Ross. Kris is remembered as a formidable advocate for OSSTF members both at Cornwall Collegiate Vocational Institute where she worked, as well as in OSSTF District 26. As an OSSTF teacher for 22 years and a local union representative for many years, Kris’ primary focus was always to champion for members’ rights. This award is presented to a member for their tenacity and dedication in advocating for the rights of members.
Bylaw 2.1.4 enables the Provincial Executive to confer Honorary Membership: Honorary Members shall include members who have retired and on whom Honorary Membership has been conferred by the Provincial Executive on the recommendation of a district/bargaining unit. Memberships are awarded on request from the district/bargaining unit to retiring members who have at least fifteen years of continuous membership in the Federation, an active interest in its affairs.
A provincial Award of Merit is conferred by the Provincial Executive upon a member, who, in the opinion of a provincial district executive or the Provincial Executive, has rendered meritorious and outstanding service to the OSSTF at the provincial district/bargaining unit level, or at both the provincial district/bargaining unit and provincial levels.
See our Past Award Winners!