Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada


The Professional Student Service Personnel (PSSP) Executive of OSSTF District 26 represents education professionals and is governed by the PSSP Bargaining Unit constitution.  The PSSP Executive is comprised of:


 Position  2024-25
President  Carol-Ann Fox
Vice-President Kathryn Stewart
Treasurer Shannon Peace
Secretary Allison Argue
Chief Negotiator Stephanie Sheeler
Grievance Officer Stephanie Sheeler
 Equity, Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression Officer  Josee Marleau
 Health & Safety
Kim Matte
Member At Large
 Karen Biggs
Carrie White
Sheri McMullen
Beth Larocque
 Ex-Officio  Pamela Linklater, District President
Kathi Poirier, District Officer

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