Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Understanding "Group Rating Statements"

In May 2020, OSSTF/FEESO Certification Evaluations have moved to QECO, the Qualifications Evaluation Council of OntarioIf you already have an OSSTF Group 4 Rating Statement, you DO NOT need to re-evaluation with QECO.

Certification Rating Statements are used to determine the pay rate for teachers by placing them in one of four possible groups. The instructions for obtaining an evaluation from QECO can vary based on whether a teacher is a first-time applicant, requesting a category change, etc. Instructions for obtaining a QECO evaluation can be found at:Procedures for Obtaining an Evaluation

QECO does not accept paper applications. The application process for an OSSTF/FEESO Certification evaluation from QECO is fully electronic. Whenever possible, QECO utilizes information obtained from OCT in regards to degree and course completion. QECO only needs transcripts if they specifically request it from you. QECO’s electronic application can be found at: https://applications.qeco.on.ca

More information: OSSTF Move to QECO

Getting your Initial Group Rating Statement from OSSTF

You need to apply to QECO - Certification Department for an Initial Group Rating Statement.  You must inform the Board (Human Resources), in writing by email (askuchr@ucdsb.on.ca), that you have applied to QECO Certification for an initial Rating Statement. Below is a sample letter you should use:

Dear Human Resources Officer:  

This is to advise you that I have recently applied to the QECO Certification Department for an initial Rating Statement.  Upon the receipt of this Rating Statement, I will promptly forward a copy to you, by email.  This will provide you with the necessary documentation required to place me in the appropriate “Group” on the salary grid for the OSSTF secondary panel. I also trust that the appropriate amounts will be applied retroactively to my date of hire into the Bargaining Unit.

Should you have any questions or require any further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me.

<your name> <your school/site>

Once you receive your QECO Group Rating Statement, send a copy to the Board (Human Resources) by email.  Your pay will be retroactively adjusted to the date of hire given your group as defined on the QECO Group Rating Statement. 

Taking a Course to Upgrade your Group? 

If you wish to take a course to upgrade your Group, but have NOT yet been evaluated by QECO, begin with completing an application to be re-evaluated with QECO (https://applications.qeco.on.ca) before taking the course. When you receive your Group Rating Statement from QECO, they also include a letter outlining the specific steps you can take to upgrade your Group.

If you wish to ensure a particular course meets their requirements as outlined in the letter, please contact QECO directly (1-800-385-1030 or info@qeco.on.ca) before completing the course.

Qualify for a change in Group?

Occasional Teachers generally qualify for a change in Group, when:

  • they have successfully completed courses that will count towards an increase in Group; or
  • new QECO Certification rules are in place that will now recognize previous courses, experience, etc. that were previously not recognized.

If you feel you qualify for a change in Group rating, you need to apply to QECO - Certification Department for a re-evaluation of your Rating Statement.  Inform the Board immediately (Human Resources), in writing by email (askuchr@ucdsb.on.ca), that you have applied to QECO Certification for an updated Rating Statement.  Once you receive your updated QECO Group Rating Statement, email a copy to the Board – Human Resources.  Below is a sample letter you should use:

Dear Human Resources Officer:

This is to advise you that I have recently applied to the QECO Certification Department for a change in Category.  Upon the receipt of an updated Rating Statement, I will promptly forward a copy to you, by email.  This will provide you with the necessary documentation required to place me in the appropriate “Group” on the salary grid for the OSSTF secondary panel.  I also trust that the appropriate amounts will applied retroactively to the date stipulated in article 4.03 of the Collective Agreement.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

<your name> <your school/site>