Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Placement Meetings


1.  How do I Transfer?
Be aware of the dates of the 2 placement meetings.  When the vacant sections are made available for each of these placement meetings, complete the application forms that will show the sections you are interested in.  You need to be qualified or deemed qualified for the sections you wish to transfer into.  Please note that your "home school" for staffing purposes is the last school you are assigned to in the school year.

Please note that if you transfer and take a lower number of sections (e.g. 6 sections to 5 sections, 5 sections to 3 sections, etc.) you will NOT be able to participate in displacement, other than to pick up any vacant sections. 

2.  I am a part-time teacher.  How do I Increase my teaching time?
Be aware of the dates of the 2 placement meetings.  When the vacant sections are made available for each of these placement meetings, complete the appropriate forms that will show the sections you are interested in.  You need to be qualified or deemed qualified, or could request mutual consent for the sections you wish to increase your time into. 

3.  I am a teacher who is on the SLOA List.  Can I apply to vacant sections?
YES.  Be aware of the dates of the 2 placement meetings.  When the vacant sections are made available for each of these placement meetings, complete the appropriate forms that will show the sections you are interested in.  You need to be qualified or deemed qualified, or could request mutual consent for the sections you wish to acquire. 

4.  Must the number of sections I apply to be equal to my entitlement?
Transfers: If you are a full-time teacher and fully staffed, you can, for example, apply to 3 sections designated in semester 2.  Should you get these 3 sections, this school becomes your "home school" for the subsequent staffing process.  If, for example, you apply and get 2 sections in semester 2, you will be placed on SLOA for the other section.  
SLOA: You can, for example, apply to fewer sections than you are on the SLOA List for.  Should you get these sections, the amount you remain on the SLOA List will be adjusted.  

5.  Will the Vacancy List change between the 2 placement meetings?
YES.  If there are transfers after the first placement meeting, new vacancies will have been created by these transfers.  Also, vacancies may also arise from retirements, resignations, and /or leaves of absence.

6.  What happens if I am still on the SLOA List after the 2 placement meetings?
If, after the 2 placement meetings a teacher remains on the SLOA List, they will have a right to partake in the Displacement Process.

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