Guiding Principle
The intent is to support activities designed to improve the delivery of educational programs and services to Secondary School students through the promotion of site-based professional development. This funding will support visits with colleagues in other schools, opportunities for job shadowing (within or outside of education) and regional or system subject meetings/in-service. This is not to be used for school subject/ department meetings.
Process & Procedures
1. Pre-approval of funding support using the IJSI Application form is required to guarantee financial support from the SPDF. Non pre-approved applications will be dated upon receipt at the District Office and forwarded to the committee for review. Financial support of eligible applications shall be approved provided unallocated funds remain in the SPDF for the semester in which the activities occurred. Should such funds no longer remain, the application may be considered in June for any surplus funds.
2. After completing the attached form, a copy should be faxed/emailed to the OSSTF District Office.
3. The committee will meet on predetermined dates to review the applications. Approval and funding notification will be communicated to you via email by the start of the next week.
4. The fund will cover the following expenses (receipts required in all cases except mileage): up to $250.00 which includes meals (max of $50) and travel ($0.64 per km); up to one day Occasional Teacher cost for release when required to release the teacher from classroom duties. Schools must cover OT costs initially then seek reimbursement by completing and returning the Occasional Teacher Notification and Claim form to SPDF.
5. Submit, BY BOARD COURIER, the Secondary Professional Development Expense Claim Form with original receipts: OSSTF District Office, Kemptville, ON.
Reimbursement of approved expenses will be made through regular payroll deposits. In order for your school to be reimbursed by SPD for approved release time the school/office administrator must complete and submit a Principal’s Occasional Teacher Notification and Claim Form through the Board Courier system in envelopes addressed to the Secondary Professional Development Fund Committee, c/o OSSTF District Office, Kemptville, ON. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS and RECEIPTS.
Added Considerations
6. Teachers may ONLY access ONE of the fund categories during the school year for up to one FULL DAY of Occasional Teacher coverage. Please note that the last day for applications in this funding category is the end of the first week of June.