Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
26 Upper Canada

Susan Thorpe

 WORKSITE:  Occasional Teacher
 JOB TITLE: Teacher
I have served in this position for over five years and I have represented OSSTF on the board’s Joint Health and Safety Committee for that time. I have close to twenty years of experience in health and safety through my work as a teacher and as a biologist. Both my knowledge and experience as a scientist give me the ability to better understand the risks and necessary protections to keep YOU safe from hazards, like COVID-19 and in all of our workplaces. I have Additional Qualifications in Education Law. I am aware of our rights and obligations as workers in the education sector, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Education Act, and Labour legislation. I understand that the Occupational Health and Safety Act supersedes all other legislation, including privacy. Other legislation cannot be used as a barrier to the board informing us of risks that flow from the students we work with.

I strenuously fight for your rights at the Joint Health and Safety Committee and commit to serving you and continuing to be an active member of the OTBU Executive.